We always had company of deer in our garden. They love to eat the blossoms of all our flowers. That's why we hardly have flower pots in our garden. ;-) In the last couple of days one deer is always very close to the house and eats the fresh leaves of the plants from our neighbours forest. This reminded me that I bought a package of deer made of felt in our gardening centre. So, I thought I want to make a card with the Bambi on it. It was a very hard challenge for me and I spent more than 2 hours on that card but I think it is lovely. It's the deer in our garden on the way to eat the last blossom remaining. ;-)
My boyfriend and I love to see the shows of "Cirque du Soleil". As it will be in Vienna this fall with the show QUIDAM, I bought us tickets and surprised him. I made the following card and put the tickets inside:
There are two flower challenges this week, so I had the chance to use my die cut flowers again. This time I didn't use my favourite colors purple and pink but yellow and orange. I like the outcome! As there is always a birthday approaching I made another birthday card.
I love to make baby cards, as I have so much cute paper for it. Therefore, I made a card for my friend in South Tirol who welcomed her second child, a boy named Noe. Despite all the paper I got, I stayed very simple that time. I am looking forward to meet little Noe in person, sometime in autumn this year.
Some time ago I saw a very nice card using a Crossword Puzzle. As the birthday of a friend was approaching I went looking for a Crossword Puzzle which would fit my greetings. As "Happy Birthday" would have been to easy I went for longer words. I loved the letter counting and cutting but it was a time consuming task.
I am following the blog "a Beautiful Mess" and saw in April a fantastic new project: a textured vase inspired by Johnathan Adler. As I was looking for a birthday present for my grandmother at that time I immediately knew that I am making her such a vase. As my grandma loves cats I made her a kitten vase. I didn't get the same materials as Elsie used for her vases and I am not 100 % satisfied with the outcome. On some points you still see the glue but it was hard to find a glue that sticks on glass anyway. I didn't get self adhesive foam here in Austria at such short notice so I had to use that glue. However, my grandma liked the vase very much!
Inspired by all the flowers blooming in our garden, I made the following card for my aunts birthday. A ladybeetle and butterfly complete the scenery. Once more I used my sewing machine for an extra touch.
As it is Mothers day next week I was already very busy to make cards for my mother and grandmothers. Now, I have to find the right words to fill the cards with.
For my best friends 30th birthday I made a friendship card, which shows some of the activities we do/did together. As her favourite animal is the butterfly I had to add one as well. ;-)
I am entering this card to the Crafty Catz Challenge #181: Inspired by a Song. When I look at this card I immediately think of the song "That's what friends are for" from Dionne Warwick and Friends. Furthermore, I am entering this card to the
I have so many paper with all different kind of animals on it, that I thought I have to combine some of them. As I have a very nice embossing folder with leaves I came up with a the idea of a card with animals in the jungle. Just literally, as I think you don't find all of my used animals in the jungle. ;-) But I like the outcome. Now I just have to think about a special person I can give it to.
I made a card for the baptism of my cousin's son Sebastian. Once more I was inspired by a card of Alex from the Stoffsalon. I love to use my sewing machine for my cards.